Is everything working properly...?

*Programming the emotions in Processing
*How the story goes :
- It started with candle is in its "ON" mode, meaning it's lighted up
- The emotion starts from "happy", "bored", "angry", "depressed", "tired" and "sleep" (this is not an emotion, though)
- Each emotion has each own period of time
- If there is NO action from the user (blow off the candle), this 6 stages of emotions will just keep repeating themselves
- Aside from the "sleep" mode, if the candle is blown off among the first 5 stages, they will go to "startled" mode which will be continued to candle "OFF" mode
- When candle is in "OFF" mode, there are another set of emotions going on here, they are "startled", "worry", "frightened", "cry" (this too is not an emotion) and "pass out"
- The "pass out" mode itself is divided into 4 parts, due to difference in the speed of the flickering/ blinking
- Aside from the "pass out" mode, if the candle is lighted up among the first 3 stages, they will also go to "startled" mode, continue into 3 new emotions, which are "excited", "worry" and "feel at ease" which will continue to "happy" mode if the candle is still in "ON" mode after the 3 stages and go to "startled" mode and continue to the candle is "OFF" mode
- As for the "sleep" mode, if it's in early stage of sleep, the program will still be able to detect the light, meaning, it will go to "startled" mode if it detects the candle is "OFF", but if it's in the so-called non-REM stage, it won't be able to detect the light, it will continue on the "sleep" mode. After the "sleep" mode ends, the program will detect if the candle is "ON" or "OFF". If the candle is "ON", it will go into happy mode and repeat the candle is "ON" mode but if the candle is "OFF" when the "sleep" mode ends, it will go into "startled" mode and repeat the candle is "OFF" mode's emotions. And the whole things will keep repeating
- "Pass out" mode is divided into 4 stages, the first three stages won't be affected by the candle. The last part of the "pass out" mode, named "passout4" mode, will only be affected after the "pass out" mode has ended. Whether the candle is "ON" or "OFF", during the "passout4" mode won't affects the program. After the "passout4" mode has ended, the program will detect if the candle is "ON" or "OFF". If the candle is "ON", it will go into "happy" mode and continue the rest of the emotions in (candle is "ON") stage. But, if it detects no light, it will go into "startled" mode and repeat the candle is "OFF" mode's emotions
*Test on the wii-mote and candle (the program is first tested using mouse pressed function)
*It works
*Done with the program (emotions), it's working, no problem detected so far (after doing some tests)