Measuring LDR - Resistor ratio

*Breadboard and components, this circuit will control the firefly light
*The (3 volts) voltage (+) is connected to a resistor (currently, I am using 5kΩ resistor)
*The 5kΩ resistor is connected to an LDR and another resistor (the second resistor is 100Ω resistor)
*The LDR is connected to the (3 volts) voltage (-)
*The 100Ω resistor is connected to the base of a transistor
*The emitter of the transistor is connected to the firefly circuit (-)
*The collector of the transistor is connected to another (3 volts) voltage (-)
*The 2nd (3 volts) voltage (+) is connected to the firefly circuit (+)
*Both the collector of the transistor and the 2nd (3 volts) voltage (-) are connected to the 1st (3 volts) voltage (-)
*Both power supplies must be common ground
*Using a 5kΩ resistor and an LDR
*When the LDR detects a light, the light goes dimmer
*Using a 5kΩ resistor and an LDR
*When the LDR detects no light, the light goes brighter
*Light effect on the body of a firefly
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