* Materials:
- Abacus;
- Balsa Wood;
- LED lights and a 3V battery (optional).

* Smaller size (inner) wood as the stand for the abacus.
* Larger size (outer) wood as the cover.
* Abacus.
* Joining parts.
* The box (below) --> the box was made out of two parts (higher structure is needed, so that a certain range of area can be captured by the camera)
* The box (above) --> the inner part is slightly lower than the outer part to support the abacus.
* Abacus placed inside.
* There is a 'reset button' attached on the abacus. (setting everything to 0).
* A door at the bottom of the box (for camera and LED lights adjustment).
* LED lights. (doesn't affect much to the camera tracking, with or without the LED lights)
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