Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Series Prototyping

* A box as the sidewalk.
* The size is similar to the first prototype.

* 3 boxes for 3 prototypes.

*  1 of 3 - 180 degree Rotation
- How it works : As a pedestrian steps on it, it will slowly turn (180 degree) and pedestrian will arrive back to his original position.

* Pieces of circles as the rotating board.

* Top/outside view, a hole to hold the pivot.

* Inside view.
* A toothpick as the pivot.

* Pieces of circles (material: art card) are stacked together to create a stronger board.

* Pivot is glued at the base and masking-taped.

* 180 degree rotation prototype.

* 2 of 3 - Light (Flame of Life)
- How it works: As a pedestrian moves/walks toward the edge of the road, light gets dimmer.

* Materials.

* LEDs.

* Bright light, placed in the beginning of the path.
* Low resistance resitor.

* Dimmer light, placed in the middle of the path.
* 2 low resistance resistors.

* Dim light, placed in the middle of the path.
* 2 lower resistance (than the before) resistors.

* The fourth LED is just as an LED with no power supply, placed at the edge of the road, end of the path.

* Connection of the lights.

* Soft switch learned in Wearable Technologies class.
* A carpet where the pedestrians walk through.
* Triggers light.

* In the making of the switch.
* The fourth row has no use.

* Conducive fabric sewn on the cloth.

* Connecting the cable to the cloth.

* Light holders.

* 4 big holes to hold the light holders
* 3 small holes to insert the cables.

* Cables from the cloth are inserted into the small holes.
* Outside and inside view.

* Light holders are inserted in the big holes.
* Outside and inside view.

* LEDs are inserted into their holders.

* One cable goes to the board, the other is attached to another piece of cloth with conductive material sewn on it (top cloth).

* Outside and inside view.
* Cable extension.

*Inside view.

* After connecting.

* Top and bottom.
* Outside and inside.

* Light - Flame of Life Prototype.

* 3 of 3 - Sticky Floor

* A hole on top of the box to place the flipping floor.

* Holders of the flipping floor.

* Holders are attached to the box (Inside).

* Flipping floor.
* Sticky floor, using double-sided tape to simulate the sticking part.

* Sticky flipping floor attached on the box.

* Sticky floor prototype.

* Others

* Traffic lights stands, 6 pieces to make each stand.

* Traffic lights.

* Prototype of 180 degree rotation.

* Prototype of sticky floor.

* Prototype of conveyor belt (previous/1st prototype).

* Prototype of Light (Flame of Life).

* Light is lighted up, if a pedestrian steps on the carpet.

* The prototypes.