Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flower Box

Major Interactive - Light Box


* Flower Of Life is drawn on a black paper.
* The paper is cut according to the shape of the flower. All the flowers should be connected.

* In the process of cutting.

* After the cutting.

* Light and LDR containers.

* LEDs are placed inside the box.
* Using series connection, each LED will go to one pin in arduino board.

* Attaching the flower cover on the light box.
* Cut out the unnecessary part.

* A small rectangular shaped item on the box is the LDR, which is used as the sensor here.

* LDR connection inside the LDR container. The container is placed below the light box.

* The light box. Assembling the cover.

* Test out with the arduino.

* LEDs turn off when there is light. (No passer by)
* LEDS turn on when there is no light. (A passer by's shadow blocks the light)

* Tidying up the cables.

- 3 LEDs for one box are not bright enough.
- Arduino has only 13 digital pins, which make all the LEDs in one box should be parallel connected (one box takes only one pin).

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