Presentation 08/10/08
* 3rd assignment processing work based on the techniques learned in the class (using a camera and a microphone as the input) creating audio and/or visual feedback.
* 3rd assignment : audio input work

* The rain drops continuously now.
* Help received from Andreas.
* Making the line rotate, using the x1 and y1 as its pivot.
* Result : fan looking object dropping.
* Image captured : because it is a fan made out of one line, it only shows one line (though it is rotating).
* Making the fan into a simple windmill.
* Showing weather.
* If a user blows on the microphone, the windmill rotates, the screen gets darker, the rain drops heavier.
* Decided to take out the rain effect.
* Taking the idea of using wind power to generate electricity.
* If a user blows into the microphone, the windmill turns and the screen gets brighter.
* 3 windmills.
* Only one windmill is used in the final work.
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