Friday, February 29, 2008


Interactive Art Level 1 2007/2008

Semester 1 : Free Topic

Major Interactive Art (Lecturer : Andreas Schlegel)


*Theme : A Work for the Blind 
*Title : Between Sound And Touch
*Hacking a computer keyboard
*6 boxes with animals' sound attached inside
*Each box triggers a letter in the computer screen 

3D modeling in virtual and physical space (Lecturer : Horst Kiechle)


*Modeling using Maya-software
*Paper cutting

Video/ Audio Editing (Lecturers : Hun Ping (Video) & Justin Hegburg (Audio))

*A short video on how to play UNO Stacko
*Sound editing (speech, music) & creating a music of own

Web Technologies (Lecturer : Andreas Schlegel)


*7-web pages for final project

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Next Destination

Visual Studies Foundation 2006/2007

Term 4 : Media Arts Pathway

2D/3D Class


*Build a projector
*Inspired by Zoetrope and Lantern
*Topic : Home
*Project Description :
-5 light bulbs are attached inside the lantern
-User could either view it horizontally or vertically
-Initial idea : building a house with the lantern inside, a bell is attached on the door, it will ring when the door is opened.
-Failure : The sound doesn't go with the theme, it creates an annoying noise

Internal Drawing

*Create a drawing either using the style of Series, Diptych or Triptych
*Chosen style : Series
*A series of 4 drawings
*Experiments in drawing techniques and materials

External Drawing


*Theme : Lasalle and me
*A team work of 3 (Koh Xun Wei, Patcharin Piyapimonsith and Onellyantie Chuah)
*A drawing of Lasalle and us (text and images)
*Experiments in drawing techniques and materials

New semester begins

Visual Studies Foundation 2006/2007

Term 3 : Poetry

2D Class


*Painting using view finder (frame 16cm x 16cm)
*Painting based on music and conversation
*Topic : Sky and Dream (lecturer : Ghana Mary)

3D Class



*1.5 x 1.7 m 3D mechanical structure
*A team work of 5 (Amande Hii, Vanessa Lim, Sim Li Jia, Aravin Kumar and Onellyantie Chuah)
*Topic : Bunny Robot (Title : "The Last Robot")
*Using only recyclable materials (corrugated boards, bamboo chopsticks, drink cans, etc.)
*Glue and tapes are prohibited

Internal Drawing

*Choose one from 5 poetries and develop it into a drawing
*Chosen topic : My Shadow
*Experiments in materials, colors, techniques (lecturer : Rosalyn)

External Drawing

*No- Image Available*

*Experimental Drawing
*Topic : Nature, Man-built structure, Signage
*Combine those three topics into one piece of drawing

Plaster Workshop


*Using Plaster of Paris, build a hand of own or partner
*Other parts of body (Foot)
*Using wax creating a model of a light bulb

Photography Workshop

*Pinhole camera
*Positive and Negative prints

Clay Workshop


*Tracing 15 types of textures
*10 models
*5 final models
*final 3D structure