Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ways of getting numbers

* Getting a range of numbers read by the difference in resistance.
* Suggestions by Andreas are:
- Graphite;
- Motor;
- LDR;
- Potentiometer.

* Building a prototype of a kaleidoscope.
* Measuring the end (parts to cut, the PVC pipe has rough edges).

* Cutting the end.

* Building a box to contain the electronics and cables out of a foam board.

* Building the container.

* Base and wall.

* A prototype.

* Applying the graphite.
* Attach to a cable (that will later be connected to the arduino board).

* Placed at the top of the box.

* Blackened.

* Electronics:
- 10kΩ resistor;
- Arduino board.

* Graphite-based prototype.

Abacus Prototype

* Materials:
- Abacus;
- Balsa Wood;
- LED lights and a 3V battery (optional).

* Smaller size (inner) wood as the stand for the abacus.
* Larger size (outer) wood as the cover.

* Abacus.

* Joining parts.

* The box (below) --> the box was made out of two parts (higher structure is needed, so that a certain range of area can be captured by the camera)
* The box (above) --> the inner part is slightly lower than the outer part to support the abacus.

* Abacus placed inside.
* There is a 'reset button' attached on the abacus. (setting everything to 0).

* A door at the bottom of the box (for camera and LED lights adjustment).

* LED lights. (doesn't affect much to the camera tracking, with or without the LED lights)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PVC Pipes

Tube Experiment

* White PVC Pipes.

* Copper Polyester with wire.

* Tried using aluminium foil due to its thinness, the smaller pipe can go in smoothly.
* Did not work out well, as the pipe rotates, it gets scratches and torn easily.

* Copper polyester, stretchable conductive fabric and wire.

* Connecting the wires to the arduino board for software testing.

Reading numbers

* Contact on the side.

* Different values read by rotating the bottom cylinder.

* EX-Static Conductive Fabric.
* Strangely, this conductive fabric does not change any number (in resistance), there are changes in value for voltage, though).

Visual test

* Processing.
* Reference: Generative - gestaltung.

* Black and white squares.

* Colour and thickness.

* Lines.

* Colour and rotation.

* Colour and rotation.

* Lots of lines.

* Circular B/W and Colour.

* Distance and automove.